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The first and foremost important thing for One’s Health and Well-being is to Daily, Read the Bible, the Written Word of God.
Start in Genesis and Read through Revelation. It will take about a year to read the entire Bible. You should make a practice of Reading through the Bible every year.
Also, choose a few Scriptures on Faith and on Healing to read every day “two “2” or three “3” times every day, Morning, Noon and Night.”
I will mention a few Scriptures at the end of this article.
*****Special Note:
Let me mention one thing here before we get started. The metabolism of every individual is unique and as such, an individual may experience varying degrees of positive effect from the remedies mentioned herein.
We also encourage anyone that is interested in pursuing these remedies to first consult their Primary Doctor before doing so.
If you are currently on any medications or undergoing any type of treatment for a physical/mental issue, these products, although all natural, may interfere with said medications/treatments.
Therefore, we bare NO responsibility for any results rendered by said treatments.
Here are Three “3” Rules for Having Health: Resistance, Repair & Recovery.
Here are a few DO-NOT'S:
Do not eat anything Fried with oil. You can fry food in water or bake or broil your food but absolutely nothing fried in oil.
Do not eat anything made of refined white flour. Eat food that is made with whole wheat flour, potato flour or rice flour.
Do not eat anything made with refined sugar. You can use a little honey if your system can handle it.
Do not eat the fat of any meat.
Do not eat the blood of any living creature.
Do not eat the skin of any living creature.
A person’s Blood is suppose to circulate in their body every Twenty Three “23” Seconds.
To help heal your blood, Mix one forth “1/4-th” cup of Apple Cider Vinegar to one “1” quart of water. Then, drink a two “2” or three “3” ounce glass of this mixture before each meal.
When you want something to drink, you should Drink Black Tea, all throughout the day.
The Black Tea will help destroy bad cholesterol. The Black Tea will also help destroy bad fat cells. The Black Tea will also help fight some cancer cells. Black Tea is good for your overall Health and Well-being.
Also drink Green Tea with Mint in it. Green Tea with Mint is good for your digestion and it is good for your nerves.
You may want to mix the Black Tea and the Green Tea with Mint together and drink it that way to make it easier for you if you like.
Apple Cider Vinegar has been known to have a positive effect on Arthritis. Take ten “10” Teaspoonfuls of Apple Cider Vinegar to a four “4” ounce glass of water and drink it every day.
Arthritis and Joint Pain Remedy: Another good relief for the soreness and stiffness of this malady is Aloe Vera Juice. Recommended Dosage:
Drink a two “2” or three “3” ounce glass of Aloe Vera Juice in the morning before eating breakfast and at night before eating supper.
Has been known to have Relief when a person drinks a little Apple Cider Vinegar in a small glass of water before each meal.
Apple Cider Vinegar: This provides phosphorus, Chlorine, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulfur, Iron, Fluorine, Silicon, Potassium and Trace Minerals.
Apple Cider Vinegar provides needed Potassium for peace and quiet reserves.
Apple Cider Vinegar destroys Bacteria in the Digestive Tract.
Babies and Honey:
Many babies cannot tolerate the Corn Syrup used to sweeten milk. Most babies from two “2” months old and up can tolerate a little Honey.
Use one “1” or two “2” Teaspoonfuls of Honey in an Eight “8” Ounce Feeding. Infants fed on Honey rarely have Colic.
Honey can be used to help prevent Bed-Wetting:
Recommended Dosage is: One “1” Teaspoonful at Bed-Time.
If constipation occurs, increase the amount of Honey used. If the Bowels are too loose, then decrease the amount of Honey used.
As a Rule, Honey DOES NOT raise Blood Pressure...
Bacteria cannot live in the presence of Honey:
Honey has been known to destroy disease germs of Bronchial-pneumonia in four “4” days and it has also been known to destroy Dysentery Producing Germs.
Blood Pressure:
In order to Lower High Blood Pressure, Eat Fruits, berries, Edible Leaves and Honey.
Don’t eat Eggs, Meat, Cheese, Peas, Beans, Salty Foods, Nuts, Sugar and don’t drink milk.
You can off-set the Don’ts by eating Apples, Grapes, Cranberries or Drink their Juices.
Honey has been known to Lower high Blood Pressure.
Body Fat:
Can be Reduced by drinking two Teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar in a small glass of water at each meal.
Tape Measure Twice around the wrist should equal once around the lower part of the neck. Tape Measure Twice around the lower part of the neck should equal once around the waist.
Ideal Weight Formula:
A person’s Height with-out shoes, take the number of inches above or more than Five “5” Foot and multiply by Five and One Half “5½” then, Add One Hundred and ten “110” to Equal the Ideal Weight.
If a person is under Five “5” Foot, Multiply Five “5” Times Five and one half ‘5 ½” and Subtract from One Hundred and Ten “110.”
Bladder and Kidney Health:
Watermelon juice is good for your Bladder and Kidneys. You can just eat watermelon or you can squeeze out the juice and just drink it. You can also boil the seeds and drink the juice from them.
Breathing Tract:
The elements of Honey Capping and Honey Comb act as a Desensitizing Agent / Anti-Allergic Agent that aids in clearing the Breathing Tract.
Breathing Tract Ease:
Gather short bud bearing twigs of Pine Trees, put in a pan, cover with water, put on stove and let simmer slowly for three “3” days. Then, strain through a sieve then, thicken with a little Honey “to taste;” Take one Teaspoonful of mixture will aid in ending Sickness of Breathing Tract.
Another Breathing Tract Aid:
Collect the Egg-shaped Blisters found on the Bark of Fir Trees, Drain the Liquid from the Blisters.
Dosage: A Teaspoonful of this Liquid three “3” times daily has been known to clear up difficulty in the Breathing Tract.
Burns treated with Honey:
Honey will sooth a burn and aid in preventing blisters.
Burn Relief:
Apply straight Apple Cider Vinegar directly to the affected area using a cupped hand, apply four “4” times daily.
Burns treated with Tea: The Tannic Acid in Tea will absorb the heat of a burn and will aid in preventing blisters.
Colic Relief:
One wine glass full of Infusion from Pennyroyal Leaves has been known to relieve Colic.
Constipation Relief:
Honey can be used as a Mild Laxative.
Cold Remedy:
Use Dried Horehound Leaves to make Tea.
Cough Remedy:
Boil one “1” whole lemon “slowly” for ten “10” minutes to soften; then, extract the juice in regular drinking glass; to this add two “2” teaspoonfuls of Glycerine; stir mixture; then, fill the rest of the way with Honey.
Cough Remedy Dosage:
Take one teaspoonful of mixture as needed, after each meal and at bed-time.
Cough - Cold and Diarrhea:
Use Catnip as an Antiseptic Mullen for mild Cough, Cold or Diarrhea.
Chew Honey Comb or Honey Capping each day for a month before on-set of Hay-Fever date or season on-set.
A Cure for Hay Fever is Possible If these rules for relieving Hay Fever are Strictly Followed.
Disease Caution:
Protein produces Nitrogen; too much Nitrogen increases the chance for Disease.
Enlarged Lymph Nodes:
May be a result of Low Potassium and Iron.
Eye Wetness:
To aid in Curing Wetness of Eyes: Mix one “1” Tablespoon full of Apple Cider Vinegar and one “1” Drop of Lugol’s Solution of Iodine in a four “4” ounce glass of water. Drink this mixture daily for two “2” weeks and then, twice every week to maintain clear eyes.
Hay Fever “Mild”:
To help relieve the symptoms of Mild Hay Fever, chew Honey Comb or Honey Capping every other day like: M-W-F or S-Tue-Th.
If Honey Comb or Capping are not available, take two “2” teaspoonfuls of Honey before each meal.
Hay Fever “Moderate”:
Chew Honey Comb or Honey Capping five “5” times a day for two “2” day then, three “3” times a day for as long as needed.
Hay Fever “Severe”:
Chew Honey Comb or Honey Capping often enough to keep the nose clear and at Bed-time, take two “2” teaspoonfuls of Hone and two “2” teaspoonfuls of Apple Cider Vinegar in a Small Glass of Water.
Head Ache relief:
Taking a Tablespoon full of Honey has been known to help is some cases “Or”, take Two “2” Teaspoonfuls of Honey at each Meal.
Another remedy to help relieve a Headache:
Boil equal amounts of water and Apple Cider Vinegar, Then Breath in Seventy Five “75” Breaths of the Vapors.
Heart Strengthening:
Take one “1”, five “5” Grain Kelp Tablet daily.
Honey and its useful functions:
Honey is good for you from the cradle to the grave; Honey has Potassium vitalizing, growth controlling, health sustaining, Properties. Honey is good for a boost in energy, one “1” Tablespoonful Honey is an excellent medium for vitamins.
Honey exorbs moisture Honey is a Natural and Gentle Laxative:
Honey is Pre-Digested and has a Sedative value. Honey will relieve a cough; Honey will relieve the pain of arthritis.
Honey counteracts the craving for Alcohol. Honey increases Calcium levels. Sodium weakens Acid. Hunger Relief: Chew Elm Tree Leaves.
~ Cinnamon & Honey Treatments for various ailments/diseases ~
Hyperactive Children:
To calm a child under the age of ten “10” use one drop of Lugol’s Solution of Iodine and one “1” Teaspoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar in a Small Glass of Water; this solution should be drunk three “3” times a week or every other day to maintain calmness.
Impetigo Relief and Cure:
Apply straight Apple Cider Vinegar directly to the affected area using a cupped hand, apply four “4” times daily.
Insomnia Relief:
Take a Tablespoon of Honey a few minutes before going to bed.
Iodine and its useful functions:
Iodine is an Energy and Endurance Enhancer. Iodine Kills Germs via the Thyroid Gland. Iodine has been known to Burn or Oxidize Unwanted Fat. Iodine Calms the body and Relieves Nervous Tension. Itchy skin is a sign of Alkaline Urine.
Chlorine in drinking water depletes Iodine in the Blood; too much salt or Sodium will do the same thing.
Lameness Relief “Liniment”:
Take one “1” beaten Egg Yolk, one “1” Tablespoonful of Turpentine and one “1” Tablespoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar, mix well then, apply to skin, rub it in well, apply four “4” times daily.
Miscarriages in Child Birth:
Has been known to be less likely when the expectant mother drinks a mixture of One “1” drop of Lugol’s Solution of Iodine and One “1” Teaspoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar in a small glass of water three “3” times per week or every other day during pregnancy.
To Clear up or Improve Morning-sickness: Take a Teaspoon full of Apple Cider Vinegar in a Small Glass of Water.
Muscle Cramps:
Take two “2” teaspoonfuls of Honey at each meal; During the night, rub affected area with straight Apple Cider Vinegar.
Nervousness Relief:
Take a Tablespoon of Honey.
Other effects of Low Potassium:
Poor Mental Alertness, Mental and Muscle fatigue, Sensitive to Cold, Development of Corns and Calluses, Constipation, Loss of Appetite at times, Cuts and Bruises Heal Slowly, Itchy Skin, Pimples, Twitching Eye Lids and Mouth, Muscle Cramps, Problems Sleeping, Joint Soreness and Problems Relaxing.
Pain reliever:
Take one “1” Teaspoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar in a Small Glass of Water EVERY Hour for seven “7” hours.
Poison Ivy Cure:
Use equal amounts / parts of Apple Cider Vinegar and Water, Daub the affected area and let dry, repeat this process often until rash has vanished, apply four “4” times daily.
To aid in the cure of Post-Nasal-Drip, Stop eating citrus fruits and stop drinking their juices as they may be the cause. The eye-wetness solution may also be used to help cure Post-Nasal-Drip.
Potassium Cure:
Take one “1” Drop of Lugol’s Solution of Iodine and one “1” Teaspoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar in a Small Glass of Water, “DAILY.”
Potassium is to the Blood and Nervous System what Calcium is to the Bones. Potassium controls the use of Calcium in the Body. A Lack of Potassium leads to worn-out Tissue and Tissue Failure.
Some of the NEGATIVE effects of LOW Potassium are: Ringing, Buzzing, Hissing and other Noises in the Ear.
Another good Potassium Source is, Potato Juice. Using a Juice Extractor, Juice a few potatoes with or without the skins and drink the juice; this should be done a couple of times every day until your Potassium is back to normal.
Ring-Worm Relief and Cure:
Apply straight Apple Cider Vinegar directly to the affected area, apply “4” times daily.
Shingles Relief:
Apply straight Apple Cider Vinegar directly to the affected area using a cupped hand, apply four “4” times daily.
Sore Throat Cure:
Chew Fresh Spruce Tree Gum.
To ease a Sore Throat:
Mix One “1” Teaspoon full of Apple Cider vinegar to a Four “4” ounce glass of water then, Gargle and Drink some of this mixture every hour or sooner if needed.
Sleep Tonic:
Mix three “3” Teaspoons of Honey with One “1” Cup of Apple Cider Vinegar then, Take Two “2” teaspoons full of this mixture before going to bed. If you haven’t fallen asleep within an hour, take Two “2” more teaspoons full of the mixture. This should help you sleep.
Thirst Quencher:
Drink some Grape Juice to Quench your Thirst.
Tiredness Relief:
Take two Teaspoons of Honey.
Varicose Vein Relief:
Apply straight Apple Cider Vinegar directly to the affected area using a cupped hand, apply four “4” times daily.
Urine is Normal when it is Acidic:
Fear and Anxiety will cause a shift of Acidic Urine to Alkaline which is not good.
Honey also produces an Acid reaction. A Hot Bath has been known to shift Alkaline Urine back to Acidic Urine.
Urine Acid Builder:
Drink Grape or Cranberry Juice with Meals to help produce an Acid Urine.
Weather may impact a person’s over-all health. A sharp drop in Temperature may cause the Blood to turn Alkaline and Increase Blood Pressure. A sharp rise in Temperature may cause Alkaline to Decrease in the Blood and Lower Blood Pressure.
When a person maintains an Acid Urine reaction, they are less likely to be effected to weather changes.
The Ideal Acid Intake is Apple Cider Vinegar.
General Information:
Harmful Micro-organisms grow on an Alkaline Soil.
Acid Nutrient Foods:
Berries, Edible Leaves, Edible Roots and Fruits are known to aid in building resistance to Harmful Micro-organisms.
Edible Leaves:
Apple tree Leaves, Beechnut Tree Leaves, Birch Tree Leaves, Chokeberry Tree Leaves, Elm Tree Leaves, Maple Tree Leaves, Poplar Tree Leaves, Raspberry Tree Leaves, Spruce Cum “brown, pink or gray,” and Willow Tree Leaves.
Edible Plants and Herbs:
Checker Berry Leaves “eat raw,” Chervil, Chives, Cows-lip, Dandelions “spring and early summer,” Endive, Fern Tops “before rolled; cut below ground with roots; eat raw,” Dock “raw or cooked,” Cinnamon Fern, Horse Radish, Mustard Plant, Marsh Marigold, Milk Weed “use only Young Plants,” Parsley, Purslane “Good; raw or cooked like Spinach,” Pig Weed “cook like Spinach,” Sorrel, Turnip Tops, Yellow Rocket Cress “raw or cooked; before Yellow Flower appears.”
Herbs for Cooking:
Anise with Salads, Basil with Meats - Salads – Soups – Tomatoes “Harvest when in Bloom,” Borage Leaves “taste like spinach,” Burnt Leaves. Cicely Plant “fern like,” Dill with pickles, Mint Leaves with Lamb, Rose Geranium Leaves “good with apple jelly,” and Savory with Beans.
Herbal Teas:
Use one ounce dried leaves by steeping in one court of boiling water, cooked and strained.
Recommended Dosage:
Adults use ½ Tea-cup two “2” or three “3” times, daily.
Other Herbs used for Teas:
Burdock Leaves, Nasturtium Leaves, Peppermint Leaves, Rosemary Leaves, Sage Leaves, Savory Leaves, Spearmint Leaves, Tarragon Leaves, Wintergreen Leave. Farm Children chew Corn Stalks, Hay and Honey Comb; they Eat Raw Berries, Calf-food, Carrots, Cattle Salt, Dairy Rations, Grapes, Green Apples, Peas, Potatoes, Ripe Apples, Rhubarb, Sorrel, String Beans, and Timothy Grass Heads.
Liniment Mixture:
Use two “2” tablespoonfuls of Castor Oil, one “1” tablespoonful of Turpentine;
First: Warm the Castor Oil and then add the Turpentine; Apply the Mixture to the chest area; Cover the Chest with a Cloth; Use three “3” times daily and / or at bed time.
Castor Oil can be used in the following manner:
Used as a Liniment for Chest Colds and for Bronchitis.
Applied directly to Cuts, Hemorrhoids and Sores to aid in the Healing Process.
Used to soften Corns and Calluses to relieve Soreness.
Rubbed on aching feet at bed time to relieve soreness.
Caster & Corn Oil can both be used in the following treatments:
Corn Oil is an Acid: One tablespoonful of Corn Oil taken orally at one “1” or all three “3” meals may be used to ease the Symptoms of Asthma, Hay Fever and Migraines. Aids in the Removal of Warts and Moles; to aid in Healing Body Ulcers; to aid in the Healing of the Navel of a New Born Baby.
Can be applied directly to a Woman’s Breast to Increase the Flow of Milk..
Used o Thicken Eye Lashes “use three “3” times per week” and to Spur Hair Growth in Infants “apply directly to the Head in the Evening, two “2” times per week.
Used to relieve Eye Irritation for humans and animals too.
Used on the Body to Aid in the Healing of Dry Skin and Eczema and to Remove Scales.
Used to Reduce Swelling of the Face and Lips.
Acid Phosphoric added to the Soil will produce Richer Produce.
When Plant Seeds are used for Animal Feed, an Acid Substance “Apple Cider Vinegar or other Acid containing Substance” needs to be Added to the Feed for the Over-All Health and Well-Being of the Animal.
What is the difference between Blackstrap & Barbados Old Fashioned Molasses?
Blackstrap Molasses has had more of the sugar extracted from it, which makes it less sweet (more bitter) but contains a higher amount of iron.
Barbados Old-Fashioned Molasses on the other hand, hasn’t had so much of the sugar removed so it is sweeter, but doesn’t have the higher concentration of iron. Barbados Molasses is lighter in color and sweeter than Blackstrap and with a more delicate flavor.
Barbados Molasses has the highest sugar content and the lowest mineral content. Sulfured molasses is made from young sugar cane.
Sulfur dioxide, which acts as a preservative, is added during the sugar extraction process.
Unsulphured molasses:
Made from mature sugar cane, which does not require such treatment. (Refrigerate after opening)
Unsulphured Blackstrap molasses is easily managed as a tonic:
Mixing a tablespoon or two with a glass of warm water works well as a mineral tonic. Some have used this mix three times a day as a remedy for extreme conditions.
Restoring or maintaining health through natural foods requires a sustained intake over time, but is still less expensive than medications or even supplements. And the results are real and permanent without side effects.
The three grades of molasses are:
1. Mild or Barbados, also known as first grade molasses.
2. Dark, or second grade molasses.
3. Blackstrap, third grade molasses
These grades may be sulphured or unsulphured..
To make molasses, the cane of a sugar plant is harvested and stripped of its leaves. Its juice is extracted usually by crushing or mashing, but also by cutting.
The juice is boiled to concentrate it, which promotes the crystallization of the sugar. The result of this first boiling and of the sugar crystals is first molasses, which has the highest sugar content because comparatively little sugar has been extracted from the source.
The second molasses is created from a second boiling and sugar extraction, and has a slight bitter tinge to its taste.
The third boiling of the sugar syrup yields Blackstrap molasses, known for its robust flavor.
[2] The term is an Americanism dating from around 1920.
The majority of sucrose from the original juice has been crystallized and removed. The calorie content of Blackstrap molasses is still mostly from the small remaining sugar content.
[3] However, unlike refined sugars, it contains trace amounts of vitamins and significant amounts of several minerals.
Blackstrap molasses is a source of calcium, magnesium, potassium, and iron; one tablespoon provides up to 20% of the daily value of each of those nutrients.
[4] Blackstrap has long been sold as a health supplement. It is also used in the manufacture of ethyl alcohol for industry and as an ingredient in cattle feed.
1. copper
2. calcium
3. iron
4. manganese
5. magnesium
6. phosphorus
7. potassium
8. selenium
9. sodium
10. zinc
Where Does Molasses Come From?
Many people wonder what molasses is made of. Well, no secret ingredients here; molasses is a by-product from the process that turns sugar beet or cane into sugar.
Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses: Calcium: Calcium is one of the important minerals required by our body. It is needed for forming and maintaining strong bones and teeth.
Two teaspoons of Blackstrap molasses meets 11.8% of our daily need for calcium. It is involved in a variety of physiological activities essential to life including:
Calcium binds to and removes toxins from the colon, thus reducing the risk of colon cancer, and because it is involved in nerve conduction, may help prevent migraine attacks.
Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body and is involved in a variety of physiological activities essential to life, including:
The ability of the heart and other muscles to contract:
Blood clotting.
The conduction of nerve impulses to and from the brain Regulation of enzyme activity Cell membrane function.
Calcium is needed to form and maintain strong bones and teeth during youth and adolescence; to help prevent the loss of bone that can occur during menopause and as a result of rheumatoid arthritis.
It is essential not only for bones and cell energy production, but is also needed for regulating calcium levels. It controls the flow of calcium in nerve cells. Two teaspoons of Blackstrap molasses daily provides 7.3% value for magnesium.
Copper is an essential component of many enzymes, plays a role in a wide range of physiological processes including iron utilization, elimination of free radicals, development of bone and connective tissue, and the production of the skin and hair pigment called melanin.
It can help in controlling good and bad cholesterol and other physiological processes in the body.
Numerous health problems can develop when Copper intake is inadequate:
Iron deficiency
Ruptured blood vessels Osteoporosis
Joint problems such as rheumatoid arthritis
Brain disturbances
Elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol and reduced HDL (good) cholesterol levels Irregular heartbeat
Increased susceptibility to infections
Using two teaspoons of Blackstrap Molasses to sweeten your morning cereal and the coffee or tea you drink during the day will supply you with 14.0% of the daily recommended value for copper.
Numerous health problems can develop when copper intake is inadequate, including iron deficiency anemia, ruptured blood vessels, osteoporosis, joint problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, brain disturbances, elevated LDL (bad) cholesterol and reduced HDL (good) cholesterol levels, irregular heartbeat, and increased susceptibility to infections.
It helps in the production of protein and carbohydrates and is important for a healthy nervous system.
Just two teaspoons of the syrup will supply 18.0% of the day's needs for manganese.
It is also a critical component of an important antioxidant enzyme called superoxide dismutase. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is found exclusively inside the body’s mitochondria (the oxygen-based energy factories inside most of our cells) where it provides protection against damage from the free radicals produced during energy production.
Blackstrap Molasses is a very good source of iron. Particularly for menstruating women, who are more at risk for iron deficiency, boosting iron stores with Blackstrap molasses is a good idea--especially because, in comparison to red meat, a well known source of iron.
Blackstrap Molasses provides more iron for less calories and is totally fat-free. Iron is an integral component of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to all body cells, and is also part of key enzyme systems for energy production and metabolism; and, if you're pregnant or lactating, your needs for iron increase.
Growing children and adolescents also have increased needs for iron. Just 2 teaspoons of Blackstrap Molasses will sweetly provide you with 13.3% of the daily recommended value for iron.
Particularly for menstruating women, who are more at risk for iron deficiency, boosting iron stores with Blackstrap Molasses is a good idea–especially because, in comparison to red meat, a well known source of iron, Blackstrap Molasses provides more iron for less calories and is totally fat-free.
It is important for the smooth functioning of the muscle and the nervous system. It helps to maintain the body's electrolyte and pH balance.
Two teaspoons daily will provide you with 9.7% recommended value of potassium.
Like calcium, Potassium plays an important role in muscle contraction and nerve transmission. When potassium is deficient in the diet, activity of both muscles and nerves can become compromised.
When potassium levels drop too low, muscles get weak and athletes tire more easily during exercise, as potassium deficiency causes a decrease in glycogen (the fuel used by exercising muscles) storage.
Curative Powers of Blackstrap Molasses:
It has been known to help in curing fibroid, anemia, anxiety, constipation, arthritic pain, heart palpitations, etc. It also helps to turn gray hair back to its original color.
Blackstrap Molasses is a sweetener that is actually good for you. Unlike refined white sugar and corn syrup (stripped of virtually all nutrients except simple carbohydrates) or artificial sweeteners like saccharine or aspartame (provide no useful nutrients and have been shown to cause health problems in sensitive individuals),
Blackstrap Molasses is a healthful sweetener that contains significant amounts of a variety of minerals that promote your health (unlike agave: Is Agave Nectar a Health Scam?).
This trace mineral helps:
Produces energy from protein and carbohydrates - The synthesis of fatty acids that are important for a healthy nervous system and in the production of cholesterol that is used by the body to produce sex hormones.
In addition to the above, Blackstrap Molasses is a good source of vitamin B6 and Selenium. It has 16 calories, per teaspoon, which is the same as that of sugar.
It is necessary for healthy bones and energy production. About two-thirds of the magnesium in the human body is found in our bones. While some helps to give bones their physical structure, the rest is found on the surface of the bone where it is stored for the body to draw upon as needed.
Magnesium, by balancing calcium, helps regulate nerve and muscle tone.
In many nerve cells, magnesium serves as Nature’s own calcium channel blocker, preventing calcium from rushing into the nerve cell and activating the nerve. By blocking calcium’s entry, magnesium keeps our nerves (and the blood vessels and muscles they enervate) relaxed.
Insufficient magnesium can thus contribute to high blood pressure, muscle spasms (including spasms of the heart muscle or the spasms of the airways symptomatic of asthma), and migraine headaches, as well as muscle cramps, tension, soreness and fatigue.
If our diet provides us with too little magnesium, however, calcium can gain free entry, and the nerve cell can become over-activated, sending too many messages and causing excessive contraction.
Insufficient magnesium can thus contribute to:
High blood pressure Muscle spasms (including spasms of the heart muscle or the spasms of airways symptomatic of asthma)
Migraine headaches
Muscle cramps
In two teaspoons of Blackstrap Molasses, you will receive:
7.3% of the daily value for magnesium. Switching from nutrient-poor sweeteners like white sugar or corn syrup or from potentially harmful fake sweeteners like aspartame or saccharin to nutrient-dense Blackstrap Molasses is one simple way that eating healthy can sweeten your life.
Health Benefits of Blackstrap Molasses:
Blackstrap Molasses is a sweetener that is actually good for you. Unlike refined white sugar and corn syrup, which are stripped of virtually all nutrients except simple carbohydrates, or artificial sweeteners like saccharine or aspartame, which not only provide no useful nutrients but have been shown to cause health problems in sensitive individuals.
Blackstrap molasses is a healthful sweetener that contains significant amounts of a variety of minerals that promote your health.
An Energizing Mineral-Dense Sweetner:
If our diet provides us with too little magnesium, however, calcium can gain free entry, and the nerve cell can become over-activated, sending too many messages and causing excessive contraction. Switching from nutrient-poor sweeteners like white sugar or corn syrup or from potentially harmful fake sweeteners like aspartame or saccharin to nutrient-dense Blackstrap Molasses is one simple way that eating healthy can sweeten your life.
Blackstrap Molasses is very dark in color, having a black-brown hue.
The truth behind the phrase "slow as molasses" becomes apparent when you reflect on molasses's thick, viscous, syrupy texture. Featuring a robust bittersweet flavor, Blackstrap Molasses helps create the distinctive taste of dishes such as baked beans and gingerbread.
Blackstrap Molasses is just one type of molasses, the dark liquid that is the by-product of the process of refining sugar cane into table sugar.
Blackstrap Molasses is made from the third boiling of the sugar syrup and is therefore the concentrated byproduct left over after the sugar's sucrose has been crystallized.
History of Blackstrap Molasses:
Molasses has been imported into the United States from the Caribbean Islands since the time of the early colonists.
In fact, it was the most popular sweetener used until the late 19th century since it was much more affordable than refined sugar, which was very expensive at that time.
In some respects, molasses has had a rather sticky history with at least two important historical events centering around this sweet food product.
The first is the Molasses Act of 1733, a tariff passed by England to try to discourage the colonists from trading with areas of the West Indies that were not under British rule. This legislation is thought to be one of the events that catalyzed pre-revolutionary colonial dissent and unrest. It is not often that a fateful tragedy occurs that centers around a food, but unfortunately, in 1919, one such event did occur.
The event is referred to as the Great Molasses Flood and occurred when a molasses storage tank holding over two million gallons of molasses broke, and its sticky content came pouring throughout the city streets of Boston, MASS; traveling as fast as 35 miles per hour and creating a thirty foot tidal wave of sweetener.
Unfortunately, this was not a sweet matter as twenty-one people died and significant amounts of property was destroyed. Blackstrap Molasses gained in popularity in the mid-20th century with the advent of the health food movement.
Today, the largest producers of molasses are India, Brazil, Taiwan, Thailand, the Philippines and the United States. Blackstrap Molasses should be stored in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator or a cool, dry place.
Unopened containers should keep for about one year, while opened containers should keep for about six months.
How to Enjoy:
A Few Quick Serving Ideas: Adding Blackstrap Molasses to baked beans will give them that traditionally robust flavor.
Blackstrap Molasses imparts a wonderfully distinctive flavor to cookies and gingerbread cakes.
Basting chicken or turkey with Blackstrap Molasses will give it both a rich color and rich taste.
Scriptures on Faith and Healing:
"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time: *Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." 1st Peter 5:6-7
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
"Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." Psalms 37:5
"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth." 3rd John 1:2
Note: One thing you need to understand, in order for you to Physically / Financially Prosper and to have good Physical Health, first of all, your Soul MUST Prosper in the Wisdom, Knowledge and Understanding of the Written Word of God, the Holy Bible.
The best way to ensure that your Soul Prospers in the Written Word of God is to Read the Bible from Genesis 1:1 through Revelation 22:21; you need to Read it over and over , again and again; you need to Daily Read the Bible, Study it Often and Meditate on the Words thereof Continually.
"My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. *Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. *For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." Proverbs 4:20-22
"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits: *Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases." Psalms 103:2-3
"And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. *There shall nothing cast their young, nor be barren, in thy land: the number of thy days (120 years, Genesis 6:3) I will fulfil." Exodus 23:25-26
The entrance of God's "YHWH" Word giveth Light and Life and Health to ALL thy flesh.
Derwood A. Stewart, Minister
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